Core Partners

Private Investigators from all disciplines and use cases make up a great core of our loyal customers. You are the backbone of Social Discovery's customer base. It is through our active partnership that our business continues to evolve and provide value to the market. Ask us about our participant partnership programs for PI contributors. Over the years, we have solicited your feedback and insights, and leveraged that information to continually enhance our product and service offerings.

Save Time and Money

The value of social media research in this industry cannot be overstated or denied, nor can the fact that it is inevitably time consuming work. Time is money, and your time is more valuable than spending countless hours in front of a computer gathering research from social media sites. What's worse is the cost of spending those hours only to find no data on the individual - truly a poor return on investment.

Private Label Programs

Social Discovery reports free up your team's valuable time to get through more cases faster. Our highly trained professional analysts deliver quality reports in formats you can review quickly and efficiently determine what is most important to your case. We provide options to private label your Social Discovery reports at no additional costs per report. Ask us about our small minimum requirements to provide your customers with your branding. PDF, HTML and editable Word.doc formats are provided on every case allowing final edits by your staff if required.

Increase Results and Profits

Our accounts report better throughput and research gathering relying on Social Discovery reports. Our customers consistently report higher level of customer satisfaction With final edits and reviews our PI clients also leverage our deliverables as an increased source of revenue putting more to the bottom line. Please inquire about industry referrals.

Stories and Use Cases

It is common for PI clients to share stories about how running an SDC social media report prior to a surveillance helped them locate their subject quickly. And our customer service is rated number one in the industry.

If you currently are not using social media in your research, we highly encourage you to do so. No investigator wants to miss critical information that was simply a social media search away. Learn more about the value of social media research as part of your process.